Monday 14 January 2019

5 Onsite SEO Tips To Improve Rankings

If you are looking to improve your Google rankings for your keyword phrases then here are 5 free onsite SEO tips that will help.
Meta Title
The most important factor with your meta title is not to pack it full of your keywords, this is not what its for
As a rule of thumb, you should only try and optimise 3 keywords over web page, anyone than this will look
spammy. If one of our keywords is Digital Marketing company in Delhi your meta title should be written like
an advert to attract people to click on your result, not a chance for you to pack all your keywords into it.
Here is an example of a perfect meta title that will rank week for the keyword Internet Marketing India:

Your meta title should be no more than 70 characters long (including spaces). Anymore than this Google
will cut it off in their results. Always think of your meta title as an advert first then SEO second.
Meta Description
Your meta description should be treated the same way as your meta title. Here you have a chance to
expand on your title to attract more visitors, but remember, this is not a change to spam with keywords.
If you imagine you meta title and description as a newspaper. Your meta title is the headline that's
eye-catching and makes you want to read more and your meta description is the sub heading with a little
more detail on the story (your services). Then when the user clicks on your result they can read the full
story (your products and services).
Meta descriptions can also be generated automatically from Google by pulling extracts from your content
depending on the users search query.
Meta Keywords
This tag is dead and has been ignored by Google for so many years now i have lost count. Please remove
this tag altogether from your site as your only giving away what keywords you want to get ranked for to
your competition.
Responsive Design
Having your website display correctly on mobile devices and tablets is important for how Google ranks
your site. If you perform a search on your mobile device you will see ‘mobile-friendly’ against all results
that Google has identified as being responsive websites.
Having the load speed of your site of a maximum of 2 seconds is advised as nobody will hang around for
your page to load and just go elsewhere.
Publisher and Author Tags
Linking your website to your Google+ author page and company page is also advised as websites that
have these tags have been proved to perform better in search results. Simply add these two tags on all
your web pages and make sure you link them correctly through your Google+ pages to activate them.
<link href=“insert personal google+ url here" rel=“author">
<link href=“insert business google+ url here" rel=“publisher">

Get free quotes now for SEO Services company in Delhi India visit at:

Author Bio: Spread Digital well-known Digital Marketing ServicesWebsite Designing Company Delhi/NCR which serve in NCR area services like SEO and website designing in Noida. We are the best SEO company in Noida and Website designing company in Noida and Delhi NCR. contact us today.


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